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Pre & Post Pregnancy



I think pregnancy is the most fascinating and exciting time in a woman’s life. Becoming pregnant, going through ups and downs for 9 months (mentally and physically), giving birth and all of a sudden being a mother is not describable.


For that reason, I dedicated my Human Nutrition studies to the research of pregnancy. It is not just the food and nutrient requirements which change in pregnancy and of course which are so important for you as a mother and for your unborn child. It is more about trusting your body and making self-determined decisions. At the end it is your body and your baby. 


One of our biggest challenge these days, is that medicine tries to optimize and denature pregnancy and a woman’s ability to give birth. I had two very different birth experiences, both in London. One in the hospital and one at home. Yes, I gave birth to my second born at home. Because I wanted it and in UK it is nothing unusual. But tell that to someone in Germany, uff that is crazy. 


You find balance and peace with your mind and your body when you trust. You trust when you know things, right? So, this is why I dedicated my research towards pregnancy. I want to share knowledge when it comes to eating right, taking care of yourself and moving your body while pregnant. Even before getting pregnant, there is loads to do to have a barrable pregnancy and birth. 


I don’t have to tell you “oh but you have to eat loads of veggies”, that is not realistic. Everyone who went through pregnancy knows how difficult it is to stick to certain food as your appetite can de- or increase. But I can tell you if you live a balanced life unpregnant, you’re not becoming a fast-food monster while pregnant. 


Most of the doctors and midwifes are simply too busy to think about you as an individual and your specific needs. Just an example but you can easily work on your iron levels with specific food. You don’t have to take those iron pills. 


I think the most important thing is to think ahead, work on your health now and in most cases, you will have a smooth pregnancy. 


Your health will affect your babies future health, please have that in your mind!!!!!!

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