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Family Food 



Another focus of mine is family food. There is nothing more satisfying than having the whole family together at one table, chatting, drinking and eating. 

I do have a picture in my head. You know the typical Italian family, 20 people sitting at a nice wooden table, full of colourful pots and a big red wine bottle. Everyone eats and drinks and talks, it seems very chaotic, but that chaos makes it so meaningful.













In all honesty, who knows a family like the one in my head? I don’t know anyone. But I try to make it like this.

Unfortunately, my husband still works in London, so I am on my own with the two boys. We can’t sit together every day, some days we just sit on the floor for a quick snack or the dinner, because I don’t feel like preparing the table.

That is real life. But even then, we make it an event. And as soon as the weekend starts, we try to have those big family food sessions. It is messy and the cleaning up does take time, but it’s worth the fun and the food of course. 


Try to incorporate your kids and your husband in preparing the food and set up the table.

Again, small steps big impact. If you have family around, try to meet up twice a month for a big meal. Don’t do it once a year for Christmas. 


We all need to eat well because, we need energy to grow, to keep our body functions alive and to stay strong. If you go to work, keep the house clean or your kids attend kindergarten or school. Fuelling your body, your mind and your soul with good food keeps you healthy and happy. As simple as it is. 


Again, why family meals? If you want to change, you have to change as a family. This is hard work, because your husband or your kids do not seem cooperative. But hold on, there are methods and tricks how to keep them all interested. 

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