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Early Years Nutrition


"Encouraging real food for toddlers can be a challenge, but allowing for treats on occasion helps them develop mindful eating skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives." Lily Nichols, Dietitan 


This is a tough one and definitely not an easy one. Your baby has another focus on micronutrients than your toddler does have, the early lifecycle is steadily developing. 

Fact is your baby/ kid needs real nutrient dense food, no industrial made formula or food (fast food etc.). 

Talking to mothers I constantly come across fear and insecurity but what shall I give him to eat, he doesn’t like this or that and my mother or my friend told me. You know that. We lost our intuition. In mindful parenting there are no rights and no wrongs, you try to do the best for you and your family. Please keep that in your mind. 


With babies it’s quite easy starting solids from around 6 months on, they are so excited to taste new things, experiencing new textures, most babies adore weaning. 

But with them growing up oh boy it can be tricky and nerve wrecking, but we all went through it, so you’re not alone. 


First of all, let’s talk about nutrient requirements. This is just a small overview, of course there are more micronutrients.

















You clearly see the shifting of requirements from low to high, but for example fat is the opposite, the younger the more fat you need. Iron is steady with 8mg. Those numbers are just referenced, requirements vary individually. 


Food and eating never ever should be pressured, it doesn’t matter if your child is under 12 or older. 

How would you feel when people constantly pressure you with food you have to eat and food which is forbidden? Exactly you know how that feels, this is when food becomes your worst enemy. Please don’t put that pressure on your child. Make it fun. 

The only thing you can do as a prevention, buy good food and ideally take your child with you. 

Experience the smell of fresh basil, peppermint or rosemary or the bright colour of fresh sun blushed tomatoes. Those are really small, maybe for you unmeaningful, things you can do.

We’re adults and we forgot to get excited, because our daily life is too stressful, we are too busy to hold on and breath.  

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